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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

51 Things That Defile & Damn A Person

51 Things That Defile & Damn A Person 51 Things That Defile & Damn A Person

We all think that we are doing the best we can to improve ourselves and try not doing or saying things we
should not do. I have included a list of “51 Things That Defile & Damn A Person” which may help everyone scope out
their own actions, their way of talking, their way of living, and how they actually treat other people.

We are to “STRIVE TO BE LIKE JESUS CHRIST” are we really, why not take a look at the list below
and see if you are needing a change someplace in your attitude, your actions, your words, your friends, or yes, even family

51 Things That Defile & Damn A Person

  1. Evil Thoughts
  2. Murders
  3. Adulterers
  4. Fornication
  5. Theft
  6. Bearing false Witness
  7. Blasphemies
  8. Covetousness
  9. Wickedness
  10. Deceit
  11. Lasciviousness
  12. An Evil Eye
  13. Pride
  14. Foolishness
  15. Unrighteousness
  16. Maliciousness
  17. Envy
  18. Debate
  19. Malignity
  20. Whispers
  21. Backbiting
  22. Hating God
  23. Despitefulness
  24. Boastings
  25. Evil
  26. Disobedience to parents
  1. Evil Things
  2. Ignorances
  3. Covenant Breaking
  4. Unnatural Affection
  5. Implacability
  6. Unmercifulness
  7. Abusing Selves with Mankind
  8. Revilings
  9. Extortion
  10. Homosexuality – Uncleanness
  11. Witchcraft
  12. Hatred
  13. Variances
  14. Emulations
  15. Wrath
  16. Seditions
  17. Strife
  18. Heresies
  19. Drunkenness
  20. Lying
  21. Idolatry
  22. Inordinate Affection
  23. Anaipiscence
  24. Filthy Conversations
  25. Cursing

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