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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

31 Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman

31 Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman31 Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman
Proverbs 31

Isn’t it something how “God” can show us things in His word and we can be able to learn from them and be what He wants us to be?

God is so perfect and full of so much knowledge and we can learn from His ways. God, knew when He created us that there was no way we can be as perfect as Jesus, but He does expect us to “STRIVE TO BE PERFECT.”

And, being a virtuous Woman we can know by the examples below that we can do our best to be all we can be through Jesus Christ. All we have to do is ask God to help us, and mold us into the person He wants us to be!

I have listed “31 Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman” below with examples given with the Scripture Verses. I pray that these help you!

31 Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman

1. Morally Perfect …………………………………..Proverbs 31:10
2. Invaluable ………………………………………..Proverbs 31:10
3. Trustworthy ……………………………………. Proverbs 31:11
4. Inherently ——– Good and True …………. Proverbs 31:12
5. Ingenious ——– Proficient …………………..Proverbs 31:13
6. Thrifty ———– Laborious …………………..Proverbs 31:14
7. Dutiful ———– Considerate ………………..Proverbs 31:15
8. Versatile ——— Judicious ……………………Proverbs 31:16

9. Tireless ———- Healthy ………………………Proverbs 31:17
10.Joyful ———— Efficient …………………….Proverbs 31:18
11.Watchful ———- Cautious …………………Proverbs 31:18
12.Thrifty ———– Skillful ………………………Proverbs 31:19
13.Charitable ——– Benevolent ………………Proverbs 31:20

14.Generous ———- Merciful …………………..Proverbs 31:20
15.Fearless ———- Provident …………………..Proverbs 31:21
16.Clever at Decorating/Furnishing ……………..Proverbs 31:22
17.Refined in Taste ……………………………….. Proverbs 31:22
18.Respected ——— Popular …………………….Proverbs 31:23
19.Industrious ——- Prosperous …………………Proverbs 31:24
20.Dependable ——– Honest …………………….Proverbs 31:25
21.Confident ——— Hopeful …………………….Proverbs 31:25
22.Wise ————– Discreet ……………………..Proverbs 31:26
23.Kind ————– Understanding ……………..Proverbs 31:26
24.Prudent ———– Practical …………………….Proverbs 31:27
25.Energetic ——— Ever Active …………………Proverbs 31:27
26.Ideal Wife and Mother ………………………….Proverbs 31:28
27.Honored by Her Family …………………………Proverbs 31:27-28
28.Excels in Virtue …………………………………..Proverbs 31:28
29.God Fearing ——- Humble ………………….. Proverbs 31:30
30.Deserving ——– Successful ………………… Proverbs 31:31
31.Honored by Public ………………………………Proverbs 31:31


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