30 Characteristics of Wicked Men
30 Characteristics of Wicked Men
People would be surprised at just sorts of wicked people there are in the world. Look around you, you see it, and hear it all the time.
And these types of people we should be praying for each and everyday, so that they can come to know the Lord Jesus Christ!
I have listed 30 Characteristics Of Wicked Men below, this just doesn’t go for men, it also goes for woman also. This even goes for thosee we have always looked up to, in our lives. Goes for children (teens) aunts, uncles, and so on.
30 Characteristics of Wicked Men
- Lovers of Themselves, Fond of Themselves…………….2 Timothy
- Covetous- Fond of Money…………………………………. Luke 16:14
- Boasters, Braggarts, Self Exalted………………………… Romans 1:30
- Proud, Self Esteemed Important………………………… Romans 1:30
- Blasphemers………………………………………………… Matthew 12:31
- Disobedience to Parents, Head Strong Children……… Romans 1:30
- Unthankfulness, Ungrateful……………………………… Luke 6:35
- Unholy, Without Piety No Reverence ………………….1 Timothy 1:9
- Without Natural Affection, Loving Unnaturally, Homosexuals, Perverts, Sodomites, Sins…………………..Romans 1:31
- Truce-breakers, Trouble Makers ………………………..Romans 1:31
- False Accusers, Slanderers, Adversary……………… John 6:70,8:44
- Incontinent, No Control of Appetites and Passions..2 Timothy
- Fierce, Wild, Savage, Uncivilized ……………………..2 Timothy
- Despises Good Men, Unfriendly to Good Men…….. 2 Timothy
- Traitors, Betrayers……………………………………… Luke 6:16,Acts 7:52
- Heady, Rash, Hasty, Reckless, Headstrong……….. Acts 19:36
- High Minded, Senseless, Conceited, Silly……………1 Timothy 3:6
- Lovers of Pleasures, Sensual Gratification in Their God …………….2 Timothy Verse 4
- Having a Form of Godliness, Semi-balance, Sketch, from only religion is their Creed, formed confession of faith not their hearts………. Romans 2:20
- Denying the Power of Godliness, Destitute of Godliness having no faith that one can be Godly in this life from such turn Away……….. 2 Timothy Verse 5
- Use their Show of Piety to Gain Entrance into Homes and to Deceive ….2 Timothy Verse 6
- Capture for their Own Pleasures, Silly, Foolish Women whom only Deceive……….. 2 Timothy Verse 6
- Ever Learning Fallacies but never the Knowledge of Truth …………….2 Timothy Verse 7
- Resist The Truth ……………………………………..2 Timothy Verse 8
- Having Corrupt Minds ……………………………….2 Timothy Verse 8
- Reprobate Concerning Faith ………………………..2 Timothy Verse 8
- They Are Evil ………………………………………….2 Timothy Verse 13
- They Seduce Women , Entice them to Surrender Chastity…………… 2 Timothy Verse 6, 13
- They Increase in Evil …………………………………2 Timothy Verse 13
- They Deceive and Are Themselves Deceived……..2 Timothy Verse 13
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