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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

23 Elements of The Lords Prayer Prayer

23 Elements of The Lords Prayer

  23 Elements of The Lords Prayer Prayer
Matthew 6:9

The first 3 Petitions of the Prayer make 7 Points concerning God, the last 4 Petitions makes 16 Points
concerning Man
. When I found this in the “Drake Bible” from Benny Hinn Ministries I just had to share this. I pray it helps you

understand the Elements of the “Lord’s Prayer” as it helped me!

23 Elements of The Lords Prayer Prayer

1Relationship : _____________________ Our father
2.  Recognition : _____________________ Which Art In Heaven
3.  Adoration : _______________________ Hallowed Be Thy Name
4.  Anticipation : _____________________ Thy Kingdom Come
5.  Consecration :_____________________ Thy Will Be Done
6.  Universality :_____________________  In Earth
7.  Conformity : _____________________ As It Is In Heaven
8.  Supplication : ____________________ Give Us
9.  Definiteness :____________________  This Day
10. Necessity : _____________________ Our Daily Bread
11. Penitence : _____________________ And Forgive Us
12. Obligation : _____________________Our Debts
13. Forgiveness : ____________________As We Forgive
14. Love and Mercy: _________________ Our Debtors
15. Guidance : _____________________ And Lead Us
16. Protection :____________________  Not Into Temptation
17. Salvation : _____________________ But Deliver Us
18. Righteousness : _________________ From Evil
19. Faith : ________________________ For Thine Is The Kingdom
20. Humility : _____________________ And The Power
21. Reverence :_____________________And The Glory
22. Timeless :_____________________  Forever
23. Affirmation : ___________________ Amen



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