23 Elements of The Lords Prayer Prayer
23 Elements of The Lords Prayer Prayer
Matthew 6:9
The first 3 Petitions of the Prayer make 7 Points concerning God, the last 4 Petitions makes 16 Points
concerning Man. When I found this in the “Drake Bible” from Benny Hinn Ministries I just had to share this. I pray it helps you
understand the Elements of the “Lord’s Prayer” as it helped me!
23 Elements of The Lords Prayer Prayer
1. Relationship : _____________________ Our father
2. Recognition : _____________________ Which Art In Heaven
3. Adoration : _______________________ Hallowed Be Thy Name
4. Anticipation : _____________________ Thy Kingdom Come
5. Consecration :_____________________ Thy Will Be Done
6. Universality :_____________________ In Earth
7. Conformity : _____________________ As It Is In Heaven
8. Supplication : ____________________ Give Us
9. Definiteness :____________________ This Day
10. Necessity : _____________________ Our Daily Bread
11. Penitence : _____________________ And Forgive Us
12. Obligation : _____________________Our Debts
13. Forgiveness : ____________________As We Forgive
14. Love and Mercy: _________________ Our Debtors
15. Guidance : _____________________ And Lead Us
16. Protection :____________________ Not Into Temptation
17. Salvation : _____________________ But Deliver Us
18. Righteousness : _________________ From Evil
19. Faith : ________________________ For Thine Is The Kingdom
20. Humility : _____________________ And The Power
21. Reverence :_____________________And The Glory
22. Timeless :_____________________ Forever
23. Affirmation : ___________________ Amen