20 Commands Social – Religion
20 Commands Social – Religion
Leviticus 19:26
Like I was telling my husband and a few other’s, that there is so much in the Bible, that is so full of important information, and we all need to know it, and hold it to our hearts.
I have learnt so much by researching and reading the Drake Bible, and Joyce Meyers Bible. I have found so many things, which I didn’t know, and things I did know, but were explained easier for the understanding of our minds.
20 Commands Social – Religion
1. Do NOT eat anything with blood ____________________________Leviticus 19:26
2. Do NOT use Enchantments ________________________________Leviticus 19:26
3. Do NOT Observe Times ___________________________________Leviticus 19:26
4. Do NOT Round Corners of the Hair on your Head_______________Leviticus 19:27
5. Do NOT Round Corners of Your Beard _______________________Leviticus 19:27
6. Do NOT Make Cuttings in your Flesh in Honor of the Dead_______Leviticus 19:28
7. Do NOT Print Any Marks upon you __________________________Leviticus 19:28
8. Do NOT Prostitute Your Daughter ___________________________Leviticus 19:29
9. Keep The Sabbath ______________________________________Leviticus 19:30
10.Reverence My Sanctuary _______________________________Leviticus 19:30
11.Regard Not Them Who Have Familiar Spirits _________________Leviticus 19:31
12.Do NOT Seek Wizards ____________________________________Leviticus 19:31
13.Rise Up Before the Hoary Head ____________________________Leviticus 19:32
14.Honor the Face of the Old Man ____________________________Leviticus 19:32
15.Fear Your God _________________________________________Leviticus 19:32
16.Do NOT Vex A Stranger _________________________________Leviticus 19:33
17.Consider the Stranger Living in your Midst as one of you __________Leviticus 19:34
18.Love Him as Yourself ___________________________________Leviticus 19:34
19.Be Righteous in Judgment ______________________________Leviticus 19:35
20.Be Honest in Your Dealings Having Just Weights, Balances, Measures___ Leviticus 19:35-36
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