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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

18 Death – Penalty Sins

In Leviticus it let's us know what the penalties we receive if we commit certain sins, if we don't repent.18 Death – Penalty Sins
Leviticus 20:9

In Leviticus it let’s us know what the penalties we receive if we commit certain sins, if we don’t repent.

I have included them along with and where to find the whole scriptures.

I am in hopes that this will help clarify some wonders about what sins can carry you to hell and
experience the pain one can experience if they commit these sins, among others.

18 Death – Penalty Sins

1. Sacrificing Children to Molech………………. Leviticus 20:2-3
2. Sympathy with Idolaters…………………….. Leviticus 20:4-5
3. Turning Those to Witchcraft………………… Leviticus 20:6 – 27
4. Cursing Parents………………………………… Leviticus 20:9
5. Adultery With Neighbours Wife…………….. Leviticus 20:10
6. Adultery With Fathers Wife………………….. Leviticus 20:10
7. Adultery With Sons Wife…………………….. Leviticus 20:10
8. Homosexuality…………………………………. Leviticus 20:13
9. Marrying Daughter and Her Mother……….. Leviticus 20:14
10.Bestiality By a Man…………………………… Leviticus 20:15
11.Bestiality By a Woman………………………. Leviticus 20:16
12.Adultery With a Sister………………………. Leviticus 20:17
13.Sex Relationship during Menstruation……. Leviticus 20:18
14.Adultery With Mothers Sister……………… Leviticus 20:18

15.Adultery With an Aunt……………………… Leviticus 20:20
16.Adultery With Fathers Sister………………. Leviticus 20:19
17.Adultery With Sister-In-Law………………. Leviticus 20:21
18. Witchcraft……………………………………..Leviticus 20:27, 6


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