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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

46 Ways to be Steadfast with the Lord

"STEADFAST IN THE LORD GOD" and it will also help us be stronger in Him and even our own selves
 46 Ways to be Steadfast with the Lord 2011

I did this in “2011” and thought I’d share this with you. This will help all of us, really to learn and know how to “STEADFAST IN THE LORD GOD” and it will also help us be stronger in Him and even our own selves. I pray this helps you… you can always print it out to!

Steadfast means: resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering. “steadfast loyalty” synonyms: loyal, faithful, committed, devoted, dedicated, dependable, reliable, steady, true, constant, staunch, solid, trusty


46 Ways to be Steadfast with the Lord



1. Don’t be controlled by other’s, and live by their standards, live by what God expects you to.

2. Be self controlled and alert, at all times.

3. Don’t compromise in any area.

4. Keep awake —Keep away from SIN.

5. Satan laziness, slothful.

6. Don’t do things you know is wrong— Do NOT do them.

7. Which things are not pleasing to GOD.

8. Walk in Life —- not darkness.

9. Be Obedient.

10. Be ready to resist the devil and his worker’s 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8

11. Watch, not sleep, stay sober.

12. Be in the walk for Love, of Love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

13. Have no fellowship with EVIL, none.

14. Walk carefully— Days of EVIL, are evil, walk not as the FOOL.

15. Walk in Spirit Ephesians 5:14 -21, Walk in the will of God.

16. Act on what you’ve learned — heart knowledge.

17 Be patient, and faithful, steadfast.

18. Be constant in Prayer.

19. Pray everyday, many times if you desire, the more we keep our eyes on Christ, the better we are.

20. Set aside time and pray, pay tithes, everything will be well.

21. When God quickens you to do something DO IT.

22. Give to God’s people— staying in God’s Will.

23. Give Love, Joy, Kindness, Bless those who persecute you, DO NOT CURSE THEM, who hurt you. Luke 6:22-23

24. Share with other’s lives. Romans 16:12,17

25. Live in Harmony with other’s, make adjustments with other’s, Love them, Give Love, hope, repay, no man’s evil for evil. Romans 12:19

26. Always Pray for them, never cease.

27. Provide Honesty, and above all “Reproach.”

28. Be determined, to do right, act right, and bring other’s to Christ. Romans 12:18

29. Live at Peace with everyone, never cause strife.

30. Refuse to do what they want you to do, never give in, only do what is right, never allow strife to come in between you and other’s. Even with your Family.

31. Kill the “STRIFE” cold, it’s of the Devil. Romans 12:20

32. Never Avenge yourself.

33. Be righteous, live in Victory, not to get pulled to the devil.

34. Be very cautious in what you do and say, because words, are dangerous, and very hurtful.

35. Always, do GOOD to your enemies, Love never fails, that’s the way God is, and the way he wants it. Romans 12:21

36. Faith Overcomes the world, walk in spirit.

37. Overcome “EVIL” with Good, Power of God. 1 John -We know we are of God, what is Born of God.

38. Be balanced, Humble yourselves in God. 1 Peter 5:6-8 Always keep Love of God in your heart, mind and soul, even in your eyes, walk in the will of God, your mouth in your walk.

39. Always remember SATAN is a LIAR always has been and always will be, he will make you believe all kinds of things, and make you think all kinds of things, but ignore him, DO NOT LET HIM IN.

40. Satan always give you doubts, DO NOT LISTEN. 1 Corinthians 9:6,Other Things to Think About!

41. Stand in Faith, don’t Faint.

42. Always keep your heart and mind and soul, on Christ, he’s the only one that can see you through.

43. Testify, to other’s of what God has done in your life, no matter how small, or big. This helps other, stay in Faith, and gives them Hope.

44. Always, Pray, no matter if it’s a small prayer, God will Honor it.

45. Read his word, I am guilty, of missing days, of reading, but I always keep my heart, with God, he’s always on my mind, and I am always, thinking of Him.

46. Remember, God will never ever FORSAKE you, no matter what you have done, or do, He’s always there, so DO NOT BELIEVE SATAN or anyone else that tries to make you believe God has.


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