Wisdom Of Jesus 1
“The Wisdom Of Jesus”
I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. John 8:12
I was inspired, this morning….Dec 6,1999 to create these pages, by my Lord Jesus Christ!!
Please go to all the pages, and read them…..you will be inspired…….greatly!
Jesus, was so compassionate, and he Loved everyone, he never hated no one. Jesus compassed the whole world in his Love.
About Jesus’ Birth and His Ministry
From the moment of his birth, Jesus made a dramatic impact on his surroundings. He was born in an obscure Jewish Village about 2,000 years ago. Angels appeared to announce his birth, a bright star emerged to celebrate the occasion, and shepherds hurried to his humble cradle to honor the baby’s arrival. Even wise men from the East visited Judea to worship him.
Jesus grew up in Nazareth, and his quiet upbringing was by an important visit to the temple when he was just a boy of age 12. There, he amazed all the teachers of the law by his uncanny Wisdom and Mature Understanding of the Ancient Hebrew Scriptures. Mary and Joseph were astonished by the words and actions of their Precocious son, and by the Unmistakable Godly call upon his Life.
However, Jesus did not begin his Ministry in earnest until he was about 30 years old, leaving behind his vocation as a carpenter in Nazareth. The inauguration of his life as an itinerant preacher was marked by colorful and significant events, much as his birth was. John The Baptist announced his coming, and God opened up the heavens and poured out a Blessing on his beloved son.
For the next 3 years, he was accompanied by his small band of disciples and friends, Jesus traveled from place to place Preaching and Healing wherever he went. Crowds gathered all around him eager to hear his wise words, his surprising teachings, and his Memorable stories. Still others came for healings and encouragement.
From Seashores to Synagogues, Jesus Proclaimed the GOOD NEWS of the KINGDOM of GOD, turning accepted social and religious ideas upside down. He pronounced blessings, on the poor, he cherished children, and treated women with dignity and respect. Jesus denounced False Religion, Hypocrisy, and Sin. He called for Repentance, and he promised Joy, Freedom, and a NEW LIFE.
Jewish Religious Leaders and other detractors had challenged the Authority and teaching of Jesus. They had arranged for his Capture and death. His Life, Death, and his Resurrection marked just the beginning of Christianity, which spread Worldwide…in a Remarkable Fashion.
More, than 19 Centuries have passed by, and his Popularity and Impact have only increased over time. Many have given allegiance to Jesus and his Teachings, and regularly honoring the World’s Central figure on Sunday Mornings in Worship Services everywhere. His Love has TRANSFORMED Countless Lives, and many Great Social Causes as well, have been fulfilled by his Life and Example.
But, it is GREAT WISDOM of JESUS that is most Cherished by those who look for His Grace and Truth in his timeless words.
So Please, go through each Page and see for yourself, what Wonderful Grace Jesus has Given Us through His Divine Love.
Jesus, was the most generous-hearted person…that ever lived. He never has refused a request to help anyone. Great multitudes of people followed Him, and he Healed them all. He went out of his way to cross racial and religious barriers.
Jesus, was so compassionate, and he Loved everyone, he never hated no one. Jesus compassed the whole world in his Love. His kindness, his beauty, his joy for his Father, he even shed his Blood for each and everyone of us !
Someone, that everyone one trusted…..and one that keeps, promises He makes!
The influence of His life, His words, and His death, have, from the first, been like leaven cast into the mass of humanity.
You Can Read More About Jesus by going to the Sitemap and Looking under “All Bout Jesus”
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