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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Greater Key of Solomon

” One of the most renowned of all grimoires, the Greater Key of Solomon is a translated compilation of Solomonic magic taken from seven different manuscripts ranging from the 15th to 17th centuries. Through the rites listed within the text, which is broken into two books, the master, or operator, is said to be capable of calling forth a number of demonic spirits and securing various powers and abilities, partly through conjuring, partly through the use of pentacles and talismans. These talismans are known as the  Seals of the Greater Key of Solomon the King, and are featured in their appropriate metals in this exclusive collection.”….I got this from a site that sells witchcraft items after I googled seals of Solomon…as I suspected it IS black magic, sorcery…this IS fooling around with witchery…there AREN’T any ” seals of Solomon” mentioned anywhere in the Bible, Old or New Testament….this is how NOT to do the deliverance from the powers of darkness, utilizing tools of satan….this is black magic, witchery.

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