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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

256 For Signs of Seasons– Scott Stanley

Scott Stanley

The Sunday morning of the camp meeting, I was led of the Lord to go to Leviticus 23 and reread the feast days, and take a second look at these feasts. Having the understanding that we
have, knowing what we know, when I read them and put them inward, I realized I didn’t know what he was talking about. I didn’t have a clue what these feasts meant anymore. My mind just
went blank, and I felt embarrassed. I thought “well, I thought I had understood these for years,” and now I’m reading them again, and I’m thinking “now, wait a minute – what does
this mean?”

So, let me share with you a problem that has been handed us from the denominational backgrounds that we have. I was told that Jesus Christ died at Passover, fulfilling that feast of Passover, and that, when He was raised from the dead, He fulfilled the feast of the Wave Offering and, that, in Acts 2, that was a fulfillment of the feast of Weeks or Pentecost. Consequently, I have been looking at all of these feasts as outward events, trying to understand them. But if you put them inward – now what I’m getting ready to say is key, you have got to understand this concept – if you put them inward, then Jesus Christ did not fulfill Passover.

He died at Passover, but it was a continuation of the Father’s instruction to the last day church, as to the meaning of that event in your life! You see, when you accepted Christ – when the blood of Christ was put on the door of your heart and you accepted the death of the Lamb of God and you walked out of Egypt, you came out of the world – that is when Passover was fulfilled for you individually. Yes, Christ died at Passover, but He didn’t fulfill it for you.

If, you would Like to Read More this comes in a PDF!

I have made it where you can “CLICK” to get the PDF! I found his series on my computer from many years ago, and really thought you’d like to read them!

256 For Signs of Seasons

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