Messages From Pastor Creflo Dollar – Magnificent Things Happen in Your Life
Messages From Pastor Creflo Dollar
This is messages on Pastor Creflo Dollar Sermon’s, which I have tried to compile into my Bible Research Book. I am not sure when these were jotted down, but they have been over the years. A lot of these was written down while we was living in Mississippi, where I became close to the Lord Jesus Christ.
To see Magnificent Things Happen in Your Life Ps 35:11 , Job 23
Prayer & Fasting : Amplifies prayer, Brings Answers, even food is better than Prayer & Answers to Prayer
Prayer & Fasting : Is the Answer , you want a Break through Pray & Fast.
Some direction, sustain from food to get word from you. Matthew 6:1 – 16, 17,18. Word from God seeking the Lord answers Prayers.
Give Prayer Fasting, more over when fasting to the needy, the poor,charity, and who are all in need. The Lord will reward you. How your motives are when you give, your motives if, you give & applaud you it is not God. You give out of your heart, I will reward you —when through prayer,praying as a Show —No Need to give. Pray and Fast brings you closest to God, give pray fast you’ve never experienced before.
Fasting Cheerfully —- It’s ok to tell them you’re fasting. Say “I am on a fast.” Don’t deceive your heart. When you fast —pray over what ever you desire.
With a Vision there is always a Provision. God, is the provider of your Vision’s ans his supports gets jobs done. You’ll know when it’s God.
Give —expect reward, do and give to other’s.
Pray —expect reward, helps you get answers.
Fast —expect reward, gets you results and to the next level.
Regardless, how small the result is, God did it. Even close parking space someone give to you, or one prays for a meal say it is God. Trouble , gets you off the Faith. Faith, will overcome your troubles.
Lust or Love
Lust is strong appetite ,never quenched. Matthew 14:1-14 Gain Concept
How your Love can become a force to move MOUNTAINS, fulfill the Benefits of Life.
(My Research) Luke 7:24 Speaks about, John going to see someone which was more than a Prophet, he was talking about The Lord Jesus, they asked him, who are you going to see, and after many questions John told them. Bible Commentary : When the Lord isn’t doing what you expect Him to do, tell Him about it and listen to His word.
John Baptist – had his head cut-off, he was raised from the dead and Herrod, went against his oath’s, but he gave the girl what she wanted. But, John Baptist was risen from the dead and stunned everyone.
What the passage is talking about is this: No matter what your circumstances are God is always there to help you. All you have to do is call out to Him, there are times when you think He is not listening but He is. Just keep telling Him, what your heart desires, and He will answer you, Just Listen.
How your Love can become a force to Move Mountains as stated above. If, you have something that you want God to do in your Life, Faith as small as a mustard seed is all you need to make those Mountains and troubles move out of your life, all you have to do is make it happen, by having Faith and trusting In The Lord Jesus Christ.
Creflo Dollar:
Compassion is more than a “Person” it is a Person God’s passion works in a person. It’s Love, Power, Anointing, Life Changes to feed the hungry, healing the sick, see Jesus witness.
Why, are you doing what you are doing? Power turned on from Jesus, Compassion – flavors from the deep within from a man.
( No Compassion —- No POWER, No Love — No POWER No PRIDE)
Motivation —– Love of God, give of love of God , No prideful, arrogant abundance of Power or lack of it.
You don’t give to God, God will get it, way or the other. That’s why everytime you see that you get ahead —something goes wrong —- because you didn’t give to him and make him #1.
Always give tithes, always give to God 1st, then your family. And, you or your family will not do without. Without GOD you have nothing, With GOD you have everything. If, it wasn’t for God you wouldn’t have what you do have.
I want Compassion God had, doing things, and wonder why you did it, etc. LOVE GOD LOVE OF GOD, brought from the HOLY SPIRIT!
Act of Love —-shows you power & peace.
Matthew 14:19 Bless—means Power to be Anointed and Prosper. 20,000 People hungry, Jesus made a 2 piece fish dinner and fed a multitude.
How to Make a Living Through Your Confessions of faith:
Profession is way to make a living Heb 3:1
Profession of Healing Heb 4:14-16
Profession of Prosperity Rom 10
- Showing us how we make a living Partaker.
- Confession brings Profession
- Profession brings Confession
- Make your living is by the Mouth.
- Declare His Word, Not my Word.
- Revelation not enough to get excited.
- Knowledge is not enough to get excited.
Next Level : Take Commitment of What you Know.
- Debt
- Marriage
- Healing
- Finances
- Know the word you can is not enough perish, lack of knowledge. Stale is not enough.
- Believe with your Mouth not your feet (my words)
- Believe in Jesus, because Jesus can, you can’t without Him.
- Deliverance, Possession, (Without Confession you won’t get Possession)
- Believing isn’t enough, Confession. Mouth TRIGGERS no manifestation. Your Faith!
Confession will make :
- Deliverance
- Protection
- Preservation
- Healing
- Health
- Wholeness
- Prosperity
Matthew 8
Salvation for thy Faith made you Whole!
No Peace if nothing till you confess. Car Owed no Money, it will be paid.
Some other Verses you may want to look at. Then look at Our little Meaning of Growth below:
What the word “GROWTH” means:
- Growth go to the Lord in Prayer daily (John 15:7) above
- Read God’s word daily (Acts 11:11)
- Obey Word moment by moment (John 14:21)
- Witness for Christ by your life and words, of God’s word. (Matt 4:19)
- Trust God for every detail of your life. (1Pet 5:7)
- Holy Spirit allow God to Control & Empower your daily Life. (Gal 5:16,17)
John 15:7 , If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done for you.
Acts 11:11 , Those were more noble than those an Thessalinica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, wether those things were so.
John 14:21 He that hath my commandments,and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me :and that loveth me Shall be loved of my father and I will love him, and will manifest in myself to him.
Matt 4:19 And he saith unto them, Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
1 Pet 5:7 Casting all your care upon Him, for he careth for you.
Gal 5:16,17 This, I say them that walk in the spirit and ye shall not fulfil the lust’s of the flesh. (17) For the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the and these are contrary the one to the other, so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
1. Matthew 8:2 – 10 , If you question , and it being your will, it’s dead. Say it will immediately. God’s getting ready to do Suddenlies. Believe in quick understanding.
2. I have a right to have a Christian Husband, I have a right to Have a Christian home, etc.
3. God will , it’s Never IF. So great Faith– If, you say if, then that’s what you’ll get you get what comes out of your mouth. Say it WILL. Faith without works is dead.
When you do something — you thought was Right:
God will let you know by punishing you, or make something happen to make you see, that you perpetuated it. God, don’t give you luck, you’re blessed.
God operates —- By Blessed. Satan only supports the Lick System Not God.
Becareful, not waiting for an event. Blessings or miracles by God are Perpertual.
How to live the life, to walk in the blessings,healing,by walking in the blessings of God. Get the word Healing 6-7-9 times a day. Will break in on the healing, and it will come—- God wants it to grow grow Perpetual.
Believe for something put it in the ground don’t be scared — waiting on your harvest, not the events. God operates by system to by chance expect your harvest everyday. Put your seed out — everyday, claim it, believe it, decree it, expect it. In Jesus Name come find me….GOD has already set you up to be blessed.
God’s Laws:
- Reward
- Release
- Harvest
- Saving
- Reaping Gal 6:6 -7
God Operates By Laws:
God Operates by Laws: You’ll be free if you sow you will reap. No DEBATE. Without Doubt you will harvest whatsoever reap. Good or bad —don’t be deceived, you sow into evil you will reap evil. You sow into Good, you reap Good. Cleanliness is next To God. Friendliness you reap friendliness, Word, same way, Faith same thing. Money same thing.
Money, is a seed coupled with the word. Money is a fertilizer with complexity harvest, give alms, heard his prayer & God sent an angel to him.
Include a phrase or two about the work. Begin each phrase with a capital and end with a full stop, even if it is not grammatically a complete sentence. Begin on the line following the bibliography entry.
God Faith & Fasting
Limiting God we are not to Limit Him, in no matter what we think life may be dishing us. The Lord God knows just what we need and what we will have, before you or anyone else.
1 Kings 20:28 (ye shall know but I am the Lord)
Include a phrase or two about the work. Begin each phrase with a capital and end with a full stop, even if it is not grammatically a complete sentence. Begin on the line following the bibliography entry.
- When God When Get Comfortable & Not Knowing
- Want Answers for everything and don’t , makes you uncomfortable. Gen 2:9 & 16-17 (Knowledge)
- Gen 3:1-6 Blessing & Calamity Temptation is with us today due to spiritually. Things we find out sometimes hurt us.
- Leave things alone, don’t worry about having to know everything. Maturing is not having to figure things out.
- Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in The Lord: God will direct your path head and spirit does not do you any good. But, spirit to head does. Know through your spirit, not in your head. Knowing in mind is not knowing in the spirit.
- Romans 3:8 Insecurities, people pleasing always, wanting to please all, but it’s roasted. We will keep responding. Mind knowledge needs to go deeper keep at it, Ask God to give you revelation. Guilt will make you loose knowledge.
- 1 John 1:9 : Always know you’re forgiven…KEEP RISING, Stop trusting your head.
Spiritual Bumpers
God doesn’t want you to suffer. Sometimes we cause our own suffering.
Tribulation : Brings the suffering. God’s perfect will. Boundaries that keep you going on the right road. Bumper bounces you back, in the right direction. It helps us get back to where we’re to be. Acts 9:1-2-6,11-16
Paul’s conversation, is full if the devil turns people to get killed and murdered. Bumpers are suddenly –Light from Heaven. He saw no man second bumper neither ate or drank. God knows where you’re to be, it’s better to follow the bumper cause, it’s God’s way. Chosen vessels, we’re to follow, we must stop kicking. If, the Lord asks, you to go to the prison who lied, on you, etc. would you go? Acts 9:17-22 You have to be ready and willing to do what God wants us to do. Whether it’s someone we don’t like, or has wronged us. People you’ve said you’d never have nothing to do with.
Training grounds where he’d be filled with Holy Ghost Healing Power. Paul, was the very anointed one, and he was the one who had people killed, but God used him.
Bumper’s are not of the devil they direct you! Recovery, so you can be used cause of it. It is better to obey God and not like Jonah 1:1—5. If, you get out of the will of God, you get out of His presence. When you’re, in the word, he’ll be there. Lord sent a great wind when the Lord send trouble it’s a bumper. Devil sends it, it’s tribulation. Jonah 1:5-6 & 7-10 People sleep towards the will of God—- you can’t run out of the will of God, people will see that you are, but you won’t know it. God is trying to get you into His will, perfect things he wants for you.
An anonymous book
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