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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Fear Not –– All

God doesn’t give us fear, the devil does! In, God’s word it says “ Nehemiah 6:19 “Fear not, I the Lord am with you.”Fear Not –– All

Nehemiah 6:11-19


Even though, we fear things in life did you know fear is NOT from God?

God doesn’t give us fear, the devil does! In, God’s word it says “ Nehemiah 6:19 “Fear not, I the Lord am with you.”

I will not say that I haven’t had fear before, it easily happens to all of us, and we need to ask God to help us like Nehemiah , his enemies had hired someone to tempt him to fear and for him to hide in the temple. Nehemiah 6:11-13

He came against another obstacle that he was not going to accept. He refused to. Nehemiah didn’t quit, he moved forward and he did what God wanted him to do.

God, even made a way for us to do everything He has put in our hearts to do. He not only gives us dreams and visions in us to, frustrate us, we need to be like Nehemiah and keep confidence in God all the way, not half way.

When things,, obstacles come, don’t let them step in your way and stop you like I have. Everyday, goings on, family and their troubles , phone always ringing, tv’s blaring, sickness and all kinds of problems. I let all these things get me down and frustrated. I do ask the Lord to forgive me and to help me.

Families, can be very demanding but, we are to do what God wants us to do. I have messed up so many times, because everything hitting me all at once, I could never accomplish anything.

But, we are not to give up!

Our completion of the project God gives us may just be a few steps from being completed –– like what happened to me.

Fear and troubles, without depending on and trusting in God can be hurtful to what we are to be doing for God!

So, let’s try harder to do what God wants / wanted us to do. Pray, seek, trust, depend on Him!

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