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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Get Out of Your Wilderness

 "The Lord God said.....you have dwelt long enough on this mountain."Get Out of Your Wilderness
Deuteronomy 1:6

Moses, had pointed out that it was only a 11 day journey to the Israelite’s to the Promised Land (Canaan) but, it has taken them forty years to get where they was going.

Moses, had said some great words, “The Lord God said…..you have dwelt long enough on this mountain.”

Sometimes, without us even knowing or realizing we was on a mountain, or maybe you still are, but aren’t you ready to climb down that high mountain which has been in your way for a long time, standing in your way of the things which you need to be doing, or wanting to do and accomplish in your life?

The devil has been robbing all of us, from our victories, he has been taking us around mountains a long time, maybe he has been for many years. He has taken us victorious times and our true happiness away that God wanted so much for each of us to have.

Our thinking and will power which isn’t there we can have a hard time keeping due to circumstances which we face day to day can stop us from coming closer to the bottom of the mountain. We can stay on top of that mountain if we choose to, but who wants those high mountains to stick to us the rest of our lives?

WE have to change our way of thinking, we have to make sure that we change our attitudes. Make a good decision and renew our minds and choose a better thinking process, and do it carefully. Make up your mind that enough is enough and you are going to clear that mountain right out of your view. Make sure you keep your decision and not go back on what you have said and promised, start knocking that mountain right out of your way, and come out from the wilderness you may be in right now!

Your VICTORY is waiting on you, but are you ready to get out of the wilderness that has been standing I your way and start doing something about it!

Get away from those bad decisions, bad attitudes, bad negativity, and move on out to get your own VICTORY which God has for you!!!!


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