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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Giant Sized Problems Hindering You

Are Your Problems Giant Sized?Are Your Problems Giant Sized?

Giant Sized Problems Hindering You

Numbers 13:27-28

The Children of Israel faced giants, they feared would stop them from entering into the Promised Land. Moses had sent Joshua and Caleb, plus 10 others to spy out the land of Canaan, and to bring back a report of what they seen.

The ten came back and said, that the land was full of “good fruit”, but it was also full of giants who would be difficult to defeat. Joshua and Caleb, had different attitudes, they seen the giants but preferred to keep their eyes on God, when they believed was greater than the Giants. Caleb said, “Let’s go up at once and possess it; we are well able to conquer it.” Numbers 13:30

How the negative responded! They answered “we are not able….. they are stronger than we are.” Number 13:31

Ten of the spies were negative and two were positive. Based on the figures, 80 percent of the people said they were not able to defeat the giants, and the other 20 percent believed God was greater than the giants.

It’s just like it is today, positive people want to go forward, then there is negative people who want to tear all your positiveness apart. People with bad attitudes have nothing good to say about much of anything.

If there would be more people with more positiveness and believed in God ad His power this world would be a better place to live in. There would be so many more people who would be successful in their own lives.

This world wouldn’t have so much evil in it, because righteousness in the world would be going forward in an aggressive pace in their faith.

So many people often stare at their giant sized problems and not looking at God, to help them through them, they loose their focus and not wanting to stand in Faith!

They loose sight of the main GOAL— GOD, and they look at their problems and sulk in them, and not keeping their eyes on the source.

Spending times with God, praying, reading your bible, worship Him, thanking Him, tell Him you are His, and give Him your all, let Him find a way to get you out of your Giant Sized problems that you are facing in your life.

God is more than capable of taking care of any-size giant problem and just keep focused on the source, which is GOD, depend on Him and He will see you through! Count on HIM!


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