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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Are You Worshiping Before The Rain

Are You Worshiping Before The Rain?

1 Kings 18:42

When you think of rain, what do you really think about, what comes to your mind? Simple question – Right?

Rain!!! Rain!!! Rain!!! Rain!!! Of, course, but…. Did you know there can be and are all different kinds of rain?

Elijah, told Ahab that –– the rain was coming , Elijah went to the top of Mount Caramel, and there is where Elijah got down on his knees and his forehead to the ground worshiping and praying 1 Kings 18:42. Elijah had sent his servant back and forth several times to see if it stated to rain.

His servant went back with a bad report, but Elijah did not get out of his worship position. Imagine how Elijah had felt each time the report came back with no rain, and he didn’t give up, he kept praying. Each time Elijah told his servant to “go again”. 1 Kings 18:43

No matter the reports, Elijah never gave up, he was persistent and stayed put, worshiping God and he kept pressing on.

Worship strengthens our faith, it keeps us built up, it continues to grow. But, if we doubt we loose our faith our hopes become distant. Doubt could’ve come across Elijah but he didn’t let it. In Romans chapter 4, it tells us that, there was another person who had no human reason to hope.

Doubt and unbelief came up against Abraham, but the doubt didn’t defeat him either, instead he became strong as He gave praise to God and Glory.

In our lives today, if we keep our faith and determination it will work for us to. Because of Elijah’s faith and his persistence his servant came back and said, he saw a cloud.

When Elijah heard that he got up and he started saying “Hallelujah ! Go tell Ahab to hurry home and seek shelter because it’s beginning to rain.” 1 Kings 18:44

When we worship God, He will send the rain of His Spirit upon us, and it will drown us out all the “Ahabs” all references and resistances in our life.

Take a stand and stand up for your Rain! Praise God and Give Him the Glory because no matter what it is you ask to be done and it will be!



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