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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Don’t Sell Yourself Short

David, was a young boy –– but he knew and believe that he was going out there in the Name of the Lord, and he had a full heart of confidence, and David became the one and only Giant –– Killer and eventually he became a crowded King. 1 Samuel 17.Don’t Sell Yourself Short –– Have Confidence

1 Samuel 30


Early in David’s life, he was always being talked down, everyone discouraged him, and they always short changed David. But, David was very confident in himself and in God concerning the giant –– Goliath. He knew God, was with him, God was in him making him strong in his weakness and was given the Victory.

David, was a young boy –– but he knew and believe that he was going out there in the Name of the Lord, and he had a full heart of confidence, and David became the one and only Giant –– Killer and eventually he became a crowded King. 1 Samuel 17.

Even though it seemed as if David was in a hopeless situation –– his city was destroyed, all the women  and children was taken by force, all the men had blamed David for all their misfortunes. David was in a mess, but he encouraged and he strengthened himself in the Lord God. And, later it was all turned around for the Victory. 1 Samuel 30:7-20

Everyone can use encouragement, and what’s bad, there is usually no one who is around to give it to us.

David, gave himself encouragement, like you read above. He had a positive attitude about himself and he was determined with the Lords help, he can do anything. It isn’t wrong for anyone to have confident attitude towards themselves, but is surely is wrong for us to have a prideful attitude.

God, is in us and once we all believe and trust in Him we can all enjoy Confidence!! God will not sell us out, He here with us, just remind yourself “God, said He is with Me, He’s My Shelter and My Confidence.” All we have to do is believe in Him!

Confidence, is something in which we decide whether we want it or not. Confidence is a feeling of doing things which takes us to Step Out and Step Up. We must believe that God is with us, and we can boldly do what other’s can’t or won’t do. God will lead us.

Reading His word, we learn about Him, His Love, His Likes, His Desires, His Dislikes for us, His Character, His Love for ALL of Us to prosper, but only a few will do it. God, gives us all the confidence we could ever dream of, “STOP Selling Yourself Short.”

We all need to believe in Him, and His word, we will have confidence, never doubting in our hearts. Always trust and believe in God. Self – Doubt is being double minded and in James 1:8, tells us that to.

Double – Minded People, are unstable and uncertain about everything. None of us can go forward in anything until we have confidence about Everything.

Having doubt is ourselves bring unbelief, and unbelief brings discouragement. We all have the capabilities and as long as we have confidence in God, we have Confidence in Ourselves, and we can do all God wants us to do.

Stop, doubting yourself, everyone isn’t perfect no one is but one and that’s the Lord Jesus Christ. We all make tons of mistakes and I know I surely have, but I have God and I trust in Him, Believe in Him and He Loves Me and I Love Him.

We have to allow God in, and allow Him to help us in everything and everyway. And we can learn from our mistakes and again, I have made them but I also know God’s help is there for me and I depend on Him to continue to help me with the confidence I need and I have learned from Him and His word.

Always, speak the Word of God over yourself , remind yourself ‘God has confidence in me and with His help I will have Confidence in myself and not doubt in myself anymore!

With God, I am invincible I can and will Be Confident –– I’m done selling myself short!


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