Helping The Less Fortunate
Helping The Less Fortunate
Deuteronomy 15:11
Deuteronomy 15:11, tells us to “OPEN WIDE” our hands to those who are less fortunate than we are. When we are blessed we are to share our blessings that God has given us with other’s.
When we love other’s and help others, we are loving and helping Jesus also. There are so many ways you can be a blessing to someone, and I am sure you can sit down and write a long list of ways you can help someone.
Whether it is just a phone call, offer to come and help them clean their house, or work in their yard, or maybe paint their house, or fix something that has been needing fixed for a long time, wash their laundry, go tot he grocery store for them, wash their driveway, side-walk, or even wash their cars, or just take them some place to eat or take them to the park, there is always something one can do to help someone.
You can even go buy them a little gift, or card, there is always something someone needs , or needs to get done.
How many things can you think of to help someone do and to be a blessing to them?
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