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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Get Help From The Book of Psalm

“Get Help From The Book of Psalm”

The book was originally titled Tehillim, which means “praise songs” in Hebrew. The English title of “Psalms” originated from the Septuagint’s Greek title Psalmoi, also meaning “songs of praise.”

There are so many poems and songs, in the Book of Psalms they was written with us in mind. The Book of Psalms contain prayers and hymns and they are powerful.

Moses wrote Psalm 90. David was responsible for many of them, composing seventy-three psalms. Asaph wrote twelve; the descendants of Korah penned ten. Solomon wrote one or two, and Ethan and Heman the Ezrahites were responsible for two others.

They help us grow and understand what the people in the bible prayed . They are beautiful prayers and Hymns. I have listed many which may help you in your prayer life and your walk with Jesus Christ! I pray they become a blessing to you and you can enjoy them each day.


When you feel When you’re facing When you want
Afraid: 3; 4; 27; 46; 49;56; 91; 118 Atheists: 10; 14; 19; 52; 53; 115 Acceptance: 139
Alone: 9; 10; 12; 13; 27;40; 43 Competition: 133 Answers: 4; 17
Burned out: 6; 63 Criticism: 35; 56; 120 Confidence: 46; 71
Cheated: 41 Danger: 11 Courage: 11; 42
Confused: 10; 12; 73 Death: 6; 71; 90 Fellowship with God: 5; 16;25; 27; 37; 133
Depressed: 27; 34; 42;43; 88; 143 Decisions: 1; 119 Forgiveness: 32; 38; 40; 51;69; 86; 103; 130
Distressed: 13; 25; 31;40; 107 Discrimination: 54 Friendship: 16
Elated: 19; 96 Doubts: 34; 37; 94 Godliness: 15; 25
Guilty: 19; 32; 38; 51 Enemies: 3; 25; 35; 41; 56;59 Guidance: 1; 5; 15; 19; 25;32; 48
Hateful: 11 Evil people: 10; 35; 36; 49; 52;109; 140 Healing: 6; 41
Impatient: 13; 27; 37; 40 Heresy: 14 Hope: 16; 17; 18; 23; 27
Insecure: 3; 5; 12; 91 Hypocrisy: 26; 28; 40; 50 Humility: 19; 147
Insulted: 41; 70 Illness: 6; 139 Illumination: 19
Jealous: 37 Lies: 5; 12; 120 Integrity: 24; 25
Like quitting: 29; 43; 145 Old age: 71; 92 Joy: 9; 16; 28; 126
Lost: 23; 139 Persecution: 1; 3; 7; 56 Justice: 2; 7; 14; 26; 37; 49;58; 82
Overwhelmed: 25; 69;142 Poverty: 9; 10; 12 Knowledge: 2; 8; 18; 19; 25;29; 97; 103
Penitent/Sorry: 32; 51; 66 Punishment: 6; 38; 39 Leadership: 72
Proud: 14; 30; 49 Slander/Insults: 7; 15; 35; 43; 120 Miracles: 60; 111
Purposeless: 14; 25; 39;49; 90 Slaughter: 6; 46; 83 Money: 15; 16; 17; 49
Sad: 13 Sorrow: 23; 34 Peace: 3; 4
Self-confident: 24 Success: 18; 112; 127; 128 Perspective: 2; 11
Tense: 4 Temptation: 38; 141 Prayer: 5; 17; 27; 61
Thankful: 118; 136; 138 Troubles: 34; 55; 86; 102; 142;145 Protection: 3; 4; 7; 16; 17; 18;23; 27; 31; 91; 121; 125
Threatened: 3; 11; 17 Verbal cruelty: 35; 120 Provision: 23
Tired/Weak: 6; 13; 18; 28;29; 40; 86   Rest: 23; 27
Trapped: 7; 17; 42; 88; 142   Salvation: 26; 37; 49; 126
Unimportant: 8; 90; 139   Stability: 11; 33; 46
Vengeful: 3; 7; 109   Vindication: 9; 14; 28; 35; 109
Worried: 37   Wisdom: 1; 16; 19; 64; 111
Worshipful: 8; 19; 27;29; 150    

We win only if we become a part of Jesus’ victory over Satan and the demons.

Love of Psalm-Main  Love of Psalm-1 Love of Psalm-2 Love of Psalm-3 Love of Psalm-4 Love of Psalm-5 Love of Psalm-6 Love of Psalm-7 Love of Psalm- 8 Love of Psalm-9 Love of Psalm-10 

Love of Psalm-11 Love of Psalm-12 Love of Psalm-13 Love of Psalm-14 Love of Psalm-15 Love of Psalm-16 Love of Psalm-17 Love of Psalm-18 Love of Psalm-19

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