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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Praying for Legal Systems

No matter the legal systems seem unfair, unjust we are to pray for them. Even though we think they are wrong, it is our job to pray for each one of them.Praying for Legal Systems

1 Kings 3:28

No matter the legal systems seem unfair, unjust we are to pray for them. Even though we think they are wrong, it is our job to pray for each one of them. If, we do not pray for Our Legal Systems, then we can surely blame Ourselves for the way the country is in. I hear all the time, they need to straighten up, they need to stop doing this, stop doing that, they need to go to jail, they need to get down on their knees and repent, etc.

Well, many may not know the Lord we know. They may not even know they are doing wrong, because they hadn’t picked up a Bible, or they are filled with some demons, which only God can remove. But, they will not come to Christ all on their own…. they need a booster shot, they need people to stand behind them in the shadows praying hard for them.

The Israelite’s were ruled by Solomon and they were blessed greatly by God – given wisdom in administrating justice among them 1 Kings 3:28.

There are officials who are life Solomon, but not all of them we are to always pray for all the officials all over the world who are in legislation and the legal systems, so they are given the wisdom and discernment in all matter of justice. Pray that they will turn from their wicked ways and to turn their hearts to the Lord and create the laws based on the laws of God and His Word.

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