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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

God Wants Us To Be Healthy 1

"Health and Physical Being 1"

God Wants Us To Be Healthy”


BIBLE READING: Leviticus 14:1-57
KEY BIBLE VERSE: These are the instructions for dealing with the various kinds of contagious skin disease and infectious mildew, whether in clothing, in a house, in a swollen area of skin, in a skin rash, or in a shiny patch of skin. These instructions must be followed when dealing with any contagious skin disease or infectious mildew, to determine when something is ceremonially clean or unclean. (Leviticus 14:54-57)


God told the Israelite’s how to diagnose infectious skin diseases and mildew so they could avoid them or treat them. These laws were given for the people’s health and protection.

They helped the Israelite’s avoid diseases that were serious threats in that time and place.

Although they wouldn’t have understood the medical reasons for some of these laws, their obedience to them made them healthier. Many of God’s laws must have seemed strange to the Israelite’s. His laws, however, helped them avoid not only physical contamination, but also moral and spiritual infection.

The Word of God still provides a pattern for physically, spiritually, and morally healthy living. We may not always understand the wisdom of God’s laws, but if we obey them, we will thrive.

Does this mean we are to follow the Old Testament health and dietary restrictions? In general, the basic principles of health and cleanliness are still healthful practices, but it would be legalistic, if not wrong, to adhere to each specific restriction today.

Some of these regulations were intended to mark the Israelite’s as different from the wicked people around them. Others were given to prevent God’s people from becoming involved in pagan religious practices, one of the most serious problems of the day. Still others related to quarantines in a culture where exact medical diagnosis was impossible.

Today, for example, physicians can diagnose the different forms of leprosy, and they know which ones are contagious. Treatment methods have greatly improved, and quarantine for leprosy is rarely necessary.

BIBLE READING: Matthew 15:1-20
KEY BIBLE VERSE: From the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all other sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. These are what defile you. Eating with unwashed hands could never defile you and make you unacceptable to God! (Matthew 15:19-20)


We work hard to keep our outward appearance attractive, but what is in our hearts is even more important. The way we are deep down (where others can’t see) matters much to God. What are you like inside? When people become Christians, God makes them different on the inside. He will continue the process of change inside them if they only ask. God wants us to have healthy thoughts and motives, not just healthy food and exercise.

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