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John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Doubting and It’s Truth

Doubting, is the devils attack on our lives, it tears apart what we believe God will do in our lives, because we can quote scripture, pray, trust, believe and stand firm, and the devil tries so hard to fill our minds with his lies and hog-washDoubting and It’s Truth

1 Kings 18:21


Doubting, is the devils attack on our lives, it tears apart what we believe God will do in our lives, because we can quote scripture, pray, trust, believe and stand firm, and the devil tries so hard to fill our minds with his lies and hog-wash.

The devil doesn’t want us to have a break through, he wants us to dwell in our present circumstances and he will try to stop it, he knows God wants us to be blessed and he knows God is our main source. I have people in my family that want God to work in their lives, and do things –– but they lack in true faith, that becomes part faith – lack of faith for God to do this and doubt that He wont do this or that.

I have a negative family in a sense. And, this is one reason why I stay to myself most of time, when I refuse to answer my phone – because no matter how many times I try to tell them “You have to have Faith, you’re doubting or you have to continue to trust in God.”

One tells me, God is going to heal me, He’s going to heal my legs, but my mind will always be this way. (Bless my sister, R.I.P she was alive when I wrote this she passed away from an acute blood infection which killed her she passed June 19th 2014) Her faith was in a wavering mode, and when we have Faith we have to have strong and firm faith, we cannot waver our faith.

Contradicting themselves between faith and doubt, as long as we doubt in any area, we will end up wavering forever for us to see the miracles we are waiting for God to do in our lives.

We cannot believe and trust and have partial faith….we have to have the whole “kit and caboodle” because when we just a stitch of doubt the devil uses that to bring doubt from all directions and gives us bad thoughts in our minds, and they become a part of our lives.

God, does not bring doubt the devil does, and its one of the devils weapons and he uses it to keep our eyes off God and what He wants to do in our lives. Romans 12:3, says “God gives every man the measure of faith.”

God has placed faith in our hearts, it’s just the devil always tries to keep our faith in turmoil, attacking us with bad thoughts and attacking our minds, which gets us off God and His blessings, because the devil is a liar. Doubt, becomes us, and it does not line up with God’s word.

If, we know what the word says, we need to lean on it, practice it and believe and trust in it. This way the devil always looses the ball game. The devil lies to us, because he comes to steal kill and destroy and steals our joy and our faith in God, that when Jesus purchased for us, through His death on the Cross and His Resurrection.

God’s word is true and we can believe in it and trust in it and trust in God. Confessing the word always blows and demons for a loop –– get rid of the doubt because it doesn’t become you!


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