Sin & Destruction
Sin & Destruction
2 Kings 17:6-23
As we read 2 Kings 17:6-23, we have read where the Lord allowed Israel to be taken captive and led away into exile because of their disobedience.
Same with us to day if we follow sinful matters and we live in sin, and greed all it does lead us into destruction.
Not only around us will fall, but our hearts mind and soul. We become selfish, a different being, we become greedy, full of envy and self-centeredness. I have to agree that when we go through so much in our lives and we keep dealing with those that mistreat us and steal from us, use us and tell us they don’t love us, we can become hateful and bitter, but even feeling this way is a sin.
When Jesus comes, He doesn’t want us to have these feelings, or be living in sin. I struggle with a habit but God knows I am wanting to quit and been trying to quit. God, sent His son Jesus, to come and save the world not to condemn it.
If, we do what God wants us to do and try our best, sin won’t creep in our lives. Having God & His Love and grace in our lives are way more Valuable then letting sin take over.
Don’t allow satan to rob you of what God wants for you –– because the value of sin is death!
Ask God to help you, ask Him to fill your life with righteousness and cleanliness!
Hezekiah, when he became king he got rid of all that was keeping his people from God and obedience. 2 Kings 18:1-7 Don’t let anything keep you from God, ask Him to help you fulfill His will for you!
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