Welcome to the Newest Update to “Heavens Beauty – Wisdom of Jesus”

John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Joy of The Lord

Joy is powerful! Happiness is just as powerful and God wants us to be happyJoy of The Lord

Nehemiah 8:10


Satan, is a bad person and most of us know that, really to me that’s really putting that lightly very lightly. Yes, he was a beautiful angel, but he became evil and really thought he could be better than God.

So many times, this guy has stolen my joy, my happiness, my life, my family, my self esteem, my peace, my love he has really caused so much havoc in my lifetime….not just in my life but my families lives and families all around the globe.

Satan, I found out he is more interested in stealing our joy and dragging us down then he is about anything else. He knows, if he can keep us sad and depressed and always upset and dismayed, he can make us weaken in our strength and our faith in The Lord.

This guys as mentioned before in my other pages, is so busy trying to rip people and their lives and relationships apart in their joy and happiness and our faith – our joy is important and the Lord wants us to be happy. Time and time again we are to smack that grin right off his face, and we have the authority to do that.

The devil (satan) has caused even me tons and tons of sadness and caused me to be so unhappy and depressed, guilt and worry beyond anything I can match that to. I had to cry out to the Lord Jesus, and this feeling in my stomach just got so severe that I was shaking inside and I felt the urge to just burst out in tears, but I forced myself to hold it in.

This got so bad that I came so close to getting in my car and just driving wherever my car took me, because – he has robbed me of so much and those in my life which I loved so much and he took and took from me, for years and months of my true joy and happiness that I was to have had.  And, I ended up making so many wrong choices and messed up my life by those choices I made.

Sometimes, it really gets so over whelming it gets so hurtful and so pressing – but when I cried out to the Lord Jesus, He heard me and the devil got him another black eye!!!

He does things  like this to get over on us, and get our eyes off God, and on our problems. He knows when we are about to make a breakthrough – he causes things to happen, people coming against you, etc. Because he don’t want us to be filled with God’s joy.

God, wants us to be joyful, He wants to give us joy and happiness and we should enjoy what He gives us fully.

Let us make the devil wear himself out trying and stopping him in his tracks, let stop spending our times and our joy, letting him rob us of our Joy…Let’s make him roll in his own dismay and his own stress. We need to put more trust in God and put the devil in his place, we should be giving God the Praise and the Glory and Thanks for all He does for us, and for all He gives us, and the Joy He has placed in us.

We can put the devil in his place by reminding him of what God says about us… Not what the devil wants to say about us.

Joy is powerful! Happiness is just as powerful and God wants us to be happy. Ezra knew this and he instructed his people to find strength in God’s joy, so why can’t we. The Bible says it is more blessed to give then to receive Acts 20:35. Because when we get something we only get the gift , but when we receive when we give, we get the joy of giving.

There is nothing that releases supernatural joy in our lives, than being a blessing to someone by giving and blessing other’s. People are happy when they reach out and doing something for other’s, because this is part of the will of God. God, did not call us to be selfish and self-centered, “in reach” He called us to be an “Out-Reach.”

Satan, come to steal from us and God’s people, Jesus came so we can have Joy and a life of full abundance. John 10:10

God, is Our Joy, and He knows what we would go through when we were in our mother’s womb. God, knew things in our life would not be easy, and He knows that sometimes we fail, but He is always there to bring us back up, and there to give us His Joy and Love, which never fails!!



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